Resource Guide for Anti-Racism

We are six months into 2020, and what a year it has been! It has been three months since I have been on an airplane, three months since I've had a drink or meal in a restaurant, and three months since I've hugged another human other than my husband. 2019 was a year of losing friends and colleagues too soon and a stark reminder that life is short and precious. After the loss and heartache, I thought that 2020 would be unicorns, rainbows, and sprinkles. The universe had other plans.

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How to Beat Jet Lag

I've been a little exhausted the last few weeks and thinking about being tired well before my trip. Who else puts together a game plan on how to avoid jet lag when headed on a big trip? Definitely me! I always want to do all of the things on vacation, so there's no time to feel sluggish. Here are a few things I found to help with jet lag, and I'm also sharing some photos from my trip. 

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